A Sexuality Educator on a mission to help those whose sexual health is affected by chronic pain. 

Are you a Sexuality Educator yearning to be part of a community for sexuality educators composed of sexuality educators? A place to network, connect, learn, share, collaborate and eventually take over the world?;

If you are nodding yes, come “Meet Up with Margo” on Saturday mornings at 10-11 AM CST where we will discuss topics that are important to us.

Dates/ Topics
September 3: NETWORKING

Sign up through my calendly (margommaes) to receive your zoom invite and more information. This is open to all sexuality educators.

I know a little about a lot of stuff, but am no expert, so please let’s all share our resources, our talents, our knowledge, and our wisdom with each other to build a strong, powerful community.
I look forward to learning with you!


Gumbo the Spoon Loan Shark

Christine Miserandino developed the “Spoon Theory”, which many people in the chronically ill community have used as a metaphor to describe what we go through in a day.  She was at lunch when her friend asked about how she lives with lupus.  She grabbed a bunch of spoons put them in a jar and handed them to her friend.  Each activity requires a spoon, such as showering, making dinner, going to a store, and mental activities too like being there for a friend, stress and other mental strain will take away a spoon.  The friend looked at the few spoons in her jar and asked if she could have more spoons. 

That is how we in chronic pain live, often asking for more spoons to get through the day and when we do not have enough and there is no option but to “borrow spoons from tomorrow”.   We say this as if it is not a big deal to borrow, but I realized it is not borrowing but going to a loan shark and begging for that extra spoon, no matter the cost.  

And that is when Gumbo, the spoon loan shark shows up and gives you a couple of extra spoons, but does not mention the cost they charge, and there is always a payment: missing out on a holiday, having to say in bed for a couple of days to recoup, missing out on an event you had been planning for months, or having an episode because the pain is just too much to take.

Chronic Pain Sex Talk is the name of the Subreddit I moderate. 

This subreddit is a place to share, vent, or ask for advice on having a fulfilling sex life while being in pain that is either chronic or a temporary setback.  

We are not doctors or therapists, but average people looking to help one another by sharing what has worked for us and what has not.  This discussion is open for vanilla sexual activities and kink or BDSM sexual activities; all consensual sex acts 18+.

Coming Soon!... Podcast: Chronic / Pain/ Sex / Talk

This podcast will be tips, techniques, education, and empowering stories from myself and others on how to have better sex when their sexual health is being affected by their pain or their partner’s pain. I, Margo M Maes, sexuality educator, will be sharing my stories, my knowledge, and hopefully some laughs as I talk with others who also refused to let their sexuality be pushed aside. 

Each episode’s theme will be based on a combination of those four words: Chronic, Pain, Sex and/or Talk, but will always be directed towards sexuality and living with chronic pain. For example the episode “Sex&Talk: Talk Dirty to Me”, is not only about how to talk dirty, but it is also a great technique to keep arousal high and pain low during sexy time!

Send me an email to be added to the list to be notified when new podcasts are uploaded!

Please consider becoming an adored patron through Patreon or give a donation through Paypal.  With your donations, I am able to be inclusive and offer a sliding scale on all my fees to those who need education but can not afford it.  I am so grateful for every hard-earned dollar added to the funding of my mission to help those whose sexual health is affected by chronic pain.